Volume 12, Issue 1 (2020)
Michigan Ophthalmology Pipeline: Exploring a Mentorship Model to Increase Diversity in Ophthalmology
Mason A. Shaner, Ariane Kaplan, Christopher Sesi, Abhishek Manjunathan, Gabrielle D. Lacy, Lauren Prisk, Jara Crear, Alan Sugar, Angela Elam, and Shahzad I. Mian
Learning Curve of a Surgical Educator: Resident Cataract Surgery Outcomes under the Supervision of One Attending Surgeon over 5 Years
Sidra Zafar, Ariel Chen, Seung Yeon Seo, Xinyi Chen, Jing Tian, Divya Srikumaran, Shameema Sikder, and Fasika A. Woreta
The Role of Gender in Ophthalmology Resident Evaluations
Faith A. Birnbaum, Shivram Chandramouli, Mridul K. Thomas, and Jullia A. Rosdahl
Methods to Develop a Sustainable Free Eye Clinic at a Homeless Shelter
Lauren Hennein, Alejandra G. de Alba Campomanes, and Saras Ramanathan
A U.S. Survey of Sexual Harassment in Ophthalmology Training Using a Novel Standardized Scale
Brittni A. Scruggs, Lauren E. Hock, Michelle T. Cabrera, Kai Wang, Thomas A. Oetting, Michael D. Abràmoff, and Erin M. Shriver
Ophthalmology Residents' Experience with Complex Cataract Surgery at a VA Hospital over 10 Years
Colleen Maturana, Paul Lee, Douglas Fredrick, and Nisha Chadha
Visiting Student Away Rotations in Ophthalmology: A Study of Medical Students' Experiences and Perspectives
Sunny B. Patel and Lisa D. Kelly
Ocular Trauma: Trends and Considerations for Resident Education
Stephen C. Dryden, Jason D. Jensen, James C. Fleming, and Brian T. Fowler
Exploring the Benefit of an Integrated Ophthalmology Internship (PGY-1)—Perceived Preparedness and the Recommended Duration of Training
Andrew Hou, Nikhil Goyal, Deborah Darnley-Fisch, Paul Edwards, and David Goldman
Carelign: A Novel Handoff System for Medical and Surgical Consultants
Brian Michael Shafer, Thomasine Gorry, Paul Tapino, and Subha Airan-Javia
Prevalence of Post-Interview Communication in the Ophthalmology Match and Its Impact on Program Directors' Ranking of Applicants
David Cui, Nicholas L. Behunin, Ingrid U. Scott, and Heidi Luise Wingert
No-Show Rates and Associated Patient Factors in an Ophthalmology Resident Practice
Tavish Nanda, Aijin Wang, Luis M. Ducasse, Royce W.S. Chen, and Jason Horowitz
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Small-Group Training in Teaching Medical Students Integral Clinical Eye Examination Skills
John Y. Lee, Ryan A. Gallo, and Chrisfouad R. Alabiad
Social Media in Ophthalmology: The Educational and Professional Potential for Medical Students
Gabriella Schmuter, Andrea A. Tooley, Royce W. S. Chen, and Janice C. Law
Rapid Deployment of Teleophthalmology in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Royce W. Chen, Steven E. Brooks, Yocheved S. Kresch, Suzanne Sherman, C. Gustavo De Moraes, Dajzsa D. McDaniel, Lora R. Dagi Glass, Jeffrey M. Liebmann, and George A. Cioffi